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Tez cadey seve wikipedia

Currently, the new group of trainees (M27s) are in Seattle right now going through Staging and I’m wrapping up my Training of Trainers (TOT) seminar. This was my first journal entry the day after we landed in Mongolia. The Mongolian language is actually quite beautiful. I am utterly fascinated by them, the way they look, dress and talk. As we waited for the other volunteers to come out from baggage claim, I stood there watching Mongolian travelers come out with their families. No highway noise, echoes or cars honking. UB airport is small, but still it’s startling to hear nothing outside its doors. However, my first impressions: The night air is so cool and odorless. I thought that moment for me would be as the plane descended into Mongolia but when the time actually came, we’d been traveling close to 30 hours I was too motion sick, exhausted, jet-lagged, hungry and cold to register that I had arrived. We keep asking ourselves and one another, “Has it hit you yet?” but most of us are still in a daze.

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So officially, I have spent my first day in Mongolia.

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We landed in Mongolia yesterday at around midnight and I didn’t get to sleep until 3AM. How I See Peace Corps: A One Year Reflection Here are some pictures from this and last year: No one was planning to teach their lessons in fact, homeroom teachers were given a handout on Chinggis Khan and told to go over it with their homeroom kids during the first few periods. This year, I spent a couple of hours chatting with teachers after the opening ceremony and then went home around noon. It’s a pretty chill day, very different from what I remember as my first days of school in America. Homeroom teachers check in with their classes, gather information about their own teaching schedules (which is released on the day of and is in flux for the first two weeks of school), and reconnect with colleagues in the Teacher’s Room over bowls of airag (fermented mare’s milk) and auruul (milk curd snacks). The first day of school in Mongolia is largely an organizational day. At the very end, a few students from a low and high grade will make a lap around the stage ringing a ceremonial bell. The day begins with a ceremony in front of the school: speeches from directors, administrators and nervous volunteers like me, alongside song and dance performances by the students.

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September 1st is the universal first day of school in Mongolia whether you’re a kindergarten kid or a university student. Study extra hard, okay?īoy: I love my grandma, my grandpa and my dad! Interviewer: Is it nice to be back in school?

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